Flexible Fonds


Here, you can find a collection of ELLI publications related to the topic of teaching and learning in engineering education:


Berbuir, U.; Hoffmann, A. (2018). Praxistage an der Uni – passgenaue Praktika an der Universität zur Berufs- und Studienorientierung in technischen Berufsfeldern. In: Tagungsband der 13. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung "Wege zu technischer Bildung" an der Hochschule Bochum vom 07.-09. Juni 2018 (im Druck).

Berbuir U. (2018). Moderation des Forums ‚Innovative Lehr-/Lernformen‘; Fachtagung des Qualitätspakts: „What works – Modelle und Maßnahmen aus dem Qualitätspakt Lehre“

Fota, K.; Oehlandt, S. (2018). „Makerspace – Technische Bildung für alle“. Vortrag auf der Regionaltagung „Wege zu technischer Bildung“ der Ingenieurpädagogischen Wissenschaftsgesellschaft (IPW) an der Hochschule Bochum, 08.06.2018.

Grodotzki, J., Ortelt, T. R., Tekkaya, A. E. (2018). Remote and Virtual Labs for Engineering Education 4.0 – Achievements of the ELLI project at the TU Dortmund University. Procedia Manufacturing 26, pp. 1349-1360.

Janßen, U. D. (2018). Einfluss von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und immersiven Benutzerschnittstellen. Dissertation. Aachen: Apprimus.

Lensing, K., Dietrich, K., Frye, S., Friedhoff, J., Dorschu, A. V., Haertel, T. (2018). Introducing first year non-experienced mechanical engineering students to an action-oriented approach of a ‘machining license’, in: Procedia Manufacturing 23, S. 159–164.

Lenz, L., Stehling, V., Haberstroh, M., Isenhardt, I. (2018). „Field Guide to Gamification: Game Components and Motivation in Higher Education“. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL 2018), 5-6 July, 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 505-514.

Lenz, L., Stehling, V., Haberstroh, M., Isenhardt, I. (2018). „The More Digital, the Better? Analogue Gamification in Advanced Blended Learning Environments”. Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2018), 5-7 March 2018, Valencia, Spain, pp. 5732-5741.

May, D. & Frye, S. (2018): "Chancen der digitalen Studienvorbereitung am Beispiel des MMT – Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology an der TU Dortmund". Vortrag ihm Rahmen des bundesweiten Tagung "Vernetzte Hochschule" des QPL-Projekts KI²VA an der TU Darmstadt, 13.11.2018, Darmstadt.

Petermann, M. (2018). „Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Entrepreneurship-orientiertes Lehren und Lernen in den Ingenieurwissenschaften.“ Vortrag beim Runden Tisch Ingenieurwissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 11.04.2018.

Rose, A.-L., Leisyte, L., Haertel, T., Terkowsky, C. (2018). Emotions and the liminal space in entrepreneurship education. In: European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), special issue entitled "(Re)Thinking Higher Engineering Education". DOI: https:doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2018.1553937 

Roß, N., Kuska, R., Rieth, I. and Frerich, S. (2018). Digital scriptum–novel approach of student experiment preparation. In 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD'18) (pp. 1263-1270). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

Schiffeler, N., Stehling, V., Haberstroh, M., Isenhardt, I. (2018). „Fostering Social Construction of Knowledge in Hybrid Teams by Augmented Reality”. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 17-20 April, 2018, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain / IEEE, IEEE Education Society, S. 1029-1034.

Schiffeler, N., Plumanns, L., Stehling, V., Haberstroh, M., Isenhardt, I. (2018). „Technology Acceptance in Corporate Learning Processes of Production Companies – a Qualitative Pre-Study“. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning (ICICKM 2018) 29-30 November 2018, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, S. 293-301.

Schiffeler, N., Grodotzki, J., Ortelt, T. R., Stehling, V., Isenhardt, I., Tekkaya, A. E. (2018). Virtual und Augmented Reality in der MINT-Lehre – Good Practice-Beispiele aus dem Projekt ELLI 2. Proceedings of DeLFI 2018 (Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, pp. 293-294.

Stehling, V., Plumanns, L., Hees, F., Jeschke, S. (2018):

Terkowsky, C., Haertel, T., Rose, A.-L., Leisyte, L., May, D. (2018). Swimming with Sharks without Being Eaten: How Engineering Students can Learn Creativity, Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovation. In: Denis Lemaître (Ed.): Training Engineers for Innovation. ISTE Ltd., London, United Kingdom, pp. 147-176. ISBN:9781786303561 

Terkowsky, C., Haertel, T., Rose, A.-L., Leisyte, L., May, D. (2018). Nager avec les requins sans se faire dévorer: comment les étudiants en ingénierie peuvent apprendre à être créatifs, à développer un esprit d’entreprise et à innover. In: Denis Lemaître (Ed.): Formation des ingénieurs à l’innovation. Collection: innovation, entrepreneuriat et gestion, ISTE editions, Londres,  Royaume-Uni, pp. 159-188. ISBN: 978-1-78405-411-3 

Terkowsky, C., Frye, S., Haertel, T., May, D., Wilkesmann, U., Jahnke, I. (2018). Technik- und Ingenieurdidaktik in der hochschulischen Bildung. In: Daniel Pittich, Bernd Zinn, Ralf Tenberg (Eds.): Technikdidaktik: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 87-97.

Terkowsky, C., Frye, S. (2018). VISIR - Virtual Instrument Systems In Reality. Vortrag während des Meetings der Community Working Group - Remote Labore in Deutschland, funded by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau, TU Dortmund, December 17-18, 2018, Dortmund, Germany.

Ulbrich, N. (2018). VTprep – digitales Begleitprogramm einer Summer School. In: A. Ittel, A. Meyer & N. Pereira (Hg.), Internationalisierung der Curricula in den MINT-Fächern. 240-247. Bielefeld: wbv.

Ulbrich, N. (2018). Tandem.MINT – Sprachtandem-Programm für Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften. In: Tagungsband der 13. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung "Wege zu technischer Bildung" an der Hochschule Bochum vom 07.-09. Juni 2018 (im Druck).

Zilles, K., Ocone, R., Rhodes, M. Meinecke, M., Petermann, M. (2018). “Teaching Particle Technology to Engineering Students.“ Vortrag beim 8.World Congress on Particle Technology, 22.-26. April 2018, Orlando/Florida.

Zilles, K., Füchtenhans, F.; Jablonski, A.; Koch-Thiele, A.; Müller, K.; Schmohr, M. (2018). „Freiheit als Wert in der Lehre: Freiräume für Studierende und Lehrende gestalten.“ In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre 88. Berlin: Raabe Fachverlag.

Zilles, K., Piechulek, L, Kriedel, R., Geiger, J.-M. (2018). „Interdisziplinäre und kritische Perspektiven auf Entrepreneurship an den Hochschulen.“ Workshop-Beitrag auf der 47. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik.

Zilles, K., Philipp, J. (2018). „Im Dialog mit Studierenden: Formativ evaluieren in den Ingenieurwissenschaften mittels TAP.“ In: Tagungsband der 13. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung "Wege zu technischer Bildung" an der Hochschule Bochum vom 07.-09. Juni 2018 (im Druck).


Antkowiak, D., Lütticke, D., Langer, T., Meisen, T., Jeschke, S. & Thiele, T. (2017). Cyber-Physical Production Systems: A Teaching Concept in Engineering Education. In Proceedings of the 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), IEEE (pp681-686).

Bitter, J., Printz, S., Lahl, K., Vossen, R. & Jeschke, S. (2017). Fuzzy Approach for Substainability Assessment Based on the Integrative Sustainability Triangle. In Proceedings of the 7th International Energy Conference & Workshop – REMOO (pp50-61).

Fenollar, A., Hoffmann, M., Haberstroh, M., Schouba, P., Meisen, T., & Jeschke, S. (2017). Is Logistics ready for 4.0? – Key Findings of an Extensive Market Research. In Proceedings of the ITS World Congress.

Grodotzki, J., Ortelt, T. R.& Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Development of a FEM-Lab for the virtual experimentation in forming processes. In Experiment@ International Conference (exp.at'17). 6.-8.6.2017, Faro, Portugal.

Groß, K., Borowski, E., Stehling, V., Richert, A. & Isenhardt, I. (2017). Engineering Diversity: Raising awareness for a diverse working world. In Proceedings der 12.
Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung: Wege zu technischer Bildung.

Haertel, T., Frye, S., Schwuchow, B. & Terkowsky, C. (2017). CreatING: Makerspace im ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studium. Synergie. Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in der Lehre, #04 (Seiten 20-23).

Haertel, T., Terkowsky, C., & Jahnke, I. (2017). To develop creative students, we may have to re-design our self as well as our teaching. In Creative Academic Magazine, Issue 7 (October 2016-2017) (Seiten 8-11).

Haertel, T., Terkowsky, C., & Wilkesmann, U. (2017). Innovation Mainstreaming in der Hochschule: Wie kommt das Neue in die Lehre?. Trendy, hip und cool, Auf dem Weg zu einer innovativen Hochschule?. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld, (Seiten 55-62)

Jahnke, I., Haertel, T., & Wildt, J. (2017). Teachers’ conceptions of student creativity in higher education. In Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54 (1), pp87–95. 

Janowski, J. & Frerich, S. (2017). Effect of CO2-loading and Nucleating Agents on the Foaming Characteristics of PLA, Poster in SPE FOAMS Conference, Advances in Foam Materials & Technology. Bayreuth, Deutschland

Janssen, D., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Isenhardt, I. (2017). Effects of natural user interfaces on user experience, activation and task performance in immersive virtual learning environments. In Proceedings of the Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN).

Koch-Thiele, A., Füchtenhans, S., Witt, T., & Zilles, K. (2017). Förderung studentischer Partizipation am Beispiel einer hochschuldidaktischen Tagung. Poster auf der Tagung
Forschendes Lernen the wider view. Münster, Deutschland. 

Kruse, D. (2017). Virtualisierung eines verfahrenstechnischen Prozesses als remote Labor für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in Industrie 4.0, Dissertation, Bochum, Deutschland. 

Kuska, R. (2017). Foaming virtualization and characterization of polymeric foams. Präsentation auf The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology. Maribor, Slovenien and Graz, Österreich. 

Lenz, L., Janssen, D., & Stehling, V. (2017). Mixed Reality Voice Training for Lectures. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference (Conference on Control Technology and Applications). 

Lenz, L., Stehling, V., Haberstroh, M., & Isenhardt, I. (2017). Of Abstraction and Imagination: An Inventory-Taking on Gamification in higher Education. In Proceedings of ECGBL. 

May, D. (2017). Globally Competent Engineers - Internationalisierung der Ingenieurausbildung am Beispiel der Produktionstechnik. Dortmunder Umformtechnik Bd. 95, Dissertation, Shaker Verlag, Herzogenrath, Deutschland. 

Morace, C., May, D., Terkowsky, C., & Reynet, O. (2017). Effects of Globalisation on Higher Engineering Education in Germany – Current and Future Demands. European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE). European Models of Engineering Education: Evolution and Challenges (Special Issue). DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2017.1293618.

Müller, K., Lischewski, A., Philipp, J., Salden, P., & Zilles, K. (2017). Mehr Etikette als institutionelle Realität? Wie Universitäten Forschendes Lernen konkretisieren. Poster auf der Tagung Forschendes Lernen – the wider view an der Universität Münster.

Müller, S. L., Schröder, S., Jeschke, S., & Richert, A. (2017). Design of a Robotic Workmate. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). 

Müller, S. L., Stiehm, S., Jeschke, S., & Richert, A. (2017). Subjective Stress in Hybrid Collaboration, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). 

Ortelt, T. R., & Frerich, S. (2017). Remote-Labore für die Ingenieurwissenschaften – Vorstellung der ELLI Lab Library, elearn.nrw Tagung, 1.9.2017, Essen, Deutschland.

Ortelt, T. R., Grodotzki, J., & Schiffler, N. (2017). Virtual und Augmented Reality in der Lehre, elearn.nrw Tagung. 1.9.2017, Essen, Deutschland.

Ortelt, T.R., May, D., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Virtual and Remote Instrumentation for International Engineering Education 4.0. Colloquium on International Engineering Education. 2.-3-11.2017, Flagstaff, AZ, USA.

Ortelt, T. R., Ruider, E., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Virtual Lab for Material Testing using the Oculus Rift. Experiment@ International Conference (exp.at'17). 6.-8.6.2017, Faro, Portugal. 

Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Engineering Education 4.0 – Teaching for Industry 4.0. Zwick Academia Day 2017. 26.-27.5.2017, Hong Kong.

Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Engineering Education 4.0 – Remote-Labs im Projekt ELLI. Lunch Lehre. 9.8.2017, Aachen, Deutschland. 

Roß, N. (2017). ELL – ELLI Lab Library: Onlineplattform des Projekts ELLI. Poster presented at the final meeting Projects social Augmented Learning and Social Virtual Learning. Wuppertal, Deutschland. 

Schiffeler, N., Sommer, T., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2017). Internationalisation in career development – A data Science analysis of manager CVs. In Proceedings of the 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI). 

Stehling, V., Plumanns, L., Richert, A. & Hees, F. (2017): Designing hands-on robotics courses for visually impaired students. In Causes and Coping with Visual Impairment and Blindness, Intech.

Strenger, N., Petermann, M. & Frerich, S. (2017). GoING Abroad - A Discipline-Specific Approach to Promote the Mobility of German Engineering Students. In 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 25.-28. April 2017, Athen, Giechenland (Seiten 226-229).

Strenger, N., May, D., Ortelt, T., Kruse, D., Frerich, S., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Internationalization and Digitalization in Engineering Education. In 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’17 Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia 2017.21-23 June 2017, Valencia, Spanien (Seiten. 558-565).

Strenger, N., May, D., Ortelt, T. R., Kruse, D., Frerich, S., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2017). Internationalization and Digitalization in Engineering Education. International Conference on Higher Education Advances. 21.-23.6.2017, Valencia, Spanien. 

Willicks, F., Schoenefeld, K., Stehling, V., Richert, A.; Jeschke, S., & Hees, F. (2017). Engineers Without Borders Challenge: Implementing Sustainability in German Engineering Education. In Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 

Willicks, F., Sommer, T., & Stehling, S. (2017). Virtual Reailty und Entrepreneurship in der Ingenieurlehre 4.0 – Wie das Projekt ELLI 2 die Studierenden an das Thema Entrepreneurship und die Lehrenden an das Thema Virtual Reality heranführt. In Institutszeitung „Angedacht”. 

Willicks, F., Stehling, V., Richert, A., Jeschke, S., & Hees, F. (2017). Ingenieure ohne Grenzen Challenge in Deutschland: Problem-Based learning meets sustainable developments goals. In Proceedings der 12. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung: Wege zu technischer Bildung. 

Zilles, K. (2017). Freiheit aushalten: Entrepreneurship in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Lehre. Beitrag zur Diskurswerkstatt‚ „Freiräume in der Lehre ausgestalten“, vorgestellt bei der dghd17 an der TH Köln. 


Abdelrazeq, A., Janssen, D., Tummel, C.,Richert, A. & Jeschke, S. (2016). Teacher 4.0: Requirements of the Teacher of the Future in Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference of Education (ICERI) – Research and Innovation (pp 8221-8226).

Antkowiak, D., Kohlschein, C., Krooß, R., Speicher, M., Meisen, T., Jeschke, S., & Werner, C. J. (2016). Language Therapy of Aphasia by Augmented Reality Applications; IEEE Healthcom, September 14th-17th, Munich, Germany.

Berbuir, U., & Lieverscheidt, H. (2016). Problemorientiertes Lernen. In F. Bergstedt (Ed.), Wissen, was zählt. Ideen für die Lehre (2nd ed., pp. 72–75). Bochum: ifb, Interne Fortbildung und Beratung.

Bitter, J., Printz, S., Lahl, K., Vossen, R. & Jeschke, S. (2016). Fuzzy Approach for Substainability Assessment Based on the Integrative Sustainability Triangle. In Proceedings of the 2016 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST) (pp64-69).

Groß, K., Stehling, V., Richert, A., Jeschke, S. & Isenhardt, I. (2016). Einfluss einer natürlichen Benutzerschnittstelle auf die Kollaboration in virtuellen Lernumgebungen. Journal of Technical Education (JOTED), Jg. 4 (Heft 2), S. 171-189.

Haertel, T., & Terkowsky, C. (2016a). Creativity versus adaption to norms and rules: a paradox in higher engineering education. International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving (IJCPS), Special Issue - Creativity in Engineering Education, 26(2), 105–119.

Haertel, T., & Terkowsky, C. (2016c). The Shark Tank Experience: How Engineering Students Learn to Become Entrepreneurs. In Proceedings (p. Paper ID #16542). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Haertel, T., & Terkowsky, C. (Eds.). (2016b). Special Issue - Creativity in Engineering Education. International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving (IJCPS), Special Issue - Creativity in Engineering Education. The Korean Association for Thinking Development, Vol. 26(No. 2), 5–6.

Haertel, T., Terkowsky, C., & Ossenberg, P. (2016). Kreativtität in der Hochschullehre: Tue etwas Ungewöhnliches! In M. Heiner, B. Baumert, S. Dany, T. Haertel, M. Quelmelz, & C. Terkowsky (Eds.), Was ist Gute Lehre? Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik (pp. 73–82). Bielfeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.

Heiner, M., Baumert, B., Dany, S., Haertel, T., Quelmelz, M., & Terkowsky, C. (Eds.). (2016). Was ist Gute Lehre? Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.

Heiner, M., Musekamp, F., Radtke, M., Saniter, A., & Terkowsky, C. (2016). Wie werden Ingenieure kompetent? Wege vom Studium zum Beruf. Forschungen zur Kompetenzmodellierung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften. In M. Heiner, B. Baumert, S. Dany, T. Haertel, M. Quelmelz, & C. Terkowsky (Eds.), Was ist “Gute Lehre?” Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik (pp. 285–294).

Janßen, D., Tummel, C., Richert, A. S, & Isenhardt, I. (2016). Virtual Environments in Higher Education – Immersion as a Key Construct for Learning 4.0. In: International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC). Vol.9, No. 2

Janßen, D., Tummel, C., Richert, A. S., & Isenhardt, I. (2016). Towards Measuring User Experience, Activation and Task Performance in Immersive Virtual Learning Environments for Students. In: Immersive Learning Research Network - Second International Conference, iLRN 2016 Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 27 – July 1, 2016 Proceedings, Allison, Colin; Morgado, Leonel; Pirker, Johanna; Beck, Dennis; Richter, Jonathon; Gütl, Christian, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 45-58

Kruse, D., Kuska, R., Frerich, S., May, D., Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). More than “Did you read the script?” – Different approaches for preparing students for meaningful experimentation processes in Remote and Virtual Laboratories. 14th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2017). Venue: New York. 

Kruse, D., Frerich, S., Petermann, M., Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Remote labs in ELLI: Lab experience for every student with two different approaches. In Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). Date and venue: 10-13 April 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE (pp. 469–475). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Lenz, L. L., Köttgen, L., Stehling, V., Richert, A. S., & Isenhardt, I. (2016). Thanks for Flipping! – The Presence and Future of Blended Learning for Teaching (Large) Classes, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN 2016

Lenz, L., Plumanns, L., Groß, K., Schuster, K., Jeschke, S., & Richert, A. (2016). Social Familiarity in Virtual Learning Environments: An Empirical Approach on Engineering Students‘ Interaction in Collaborative Minecraft Scenarios, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, At New Orleans, USA.

Lenz, L., Pomp, A., Meisen, T., & Jeschke, S. (2016). How will The Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics impact the Education of Learning-Disabled Students? A Concept Paper, IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICSCBD), At Muscat, Oman.

May, D., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016a). Transnational connected learning and experimentation: Using live online classes and remote labs for preparing international engineering students for an international working world. International Journal for Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Vol. 6(No. 1), 18–28.

May, D., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016b). Using transnational online learning experiences for building international student working groups and developing intercultural competences. In American Society for Engineering Education’s 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition Jazzed about Engineering Education; June, 26th-29th, 2016 (p. 27171). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

May, D., Lensing, K., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Internationalization as a topic in higher engineering education: A quantitative content analysis examining the engineering curricula from ten German technical universities. In 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016); April 10th-13th, 2016 (pp. 136–141). Abu Dhabi (UAE).

May, D., Terkowsky, C., Ortelt, T. R., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016a). The Evaluation of Remote Laboratories: Development and application of a holistic model for the evaluation of online remote laboratories in manufacturing technology education. In 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2016); February 24th-26th, 2016 (pp. 133–142). Madrid (Spain): IEEE Conference Publications.

May, D., Terkowsky, C., Ortelt, T., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016b). Using and evaluating remote labs in transnational online courses for mechanical engineering students. In Prodeedings of American Society for Engineering Education’s 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition “Jazzed about Engineering Education”; June, 26th - 29th (p. 2713). New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).

Meya, R., Ortelt, T. R., Selvaggio, A., Chatti, S., Becker, C., & Tekkaya, A. E. Development of a tele-operative control for the incremental tube forming process and its integration into a learning environment In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016); April 10th-13th, 2016 (pp. 80–86). Abu Dhabi.

Müller, S. L., Willicks, F., Stiehm, S., Richert , A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Demography Management in Industry 4.0: First Results of a Qualitative Study. In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ECMLG).

Ortelt, T. R., Gies, S., Traphöner, H., Chatti, S., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016, 10-13 April 2016). Integration of new concepts and features into forming technology lectures. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016); April 10th-13th, 2016 (pp. 555–562). Abu Dhabi.

Ortelt, T. R., Meya, R., Selvaggio, A., Chatti, S., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Live demo of two experiments using a remote lab for forming technology. In 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2016); February 24th-26th, 2016 (pp. 332–333). Madrid (Spain): IEEE Conference Publications.

Ortelt, T., Pekasch, S., Lensing, K., Guéno, P.-J., May, D., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Concepts of the International Manufacturing Remote Lab (MINTReLab). In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016); April 10th-13th, 2016 (pp. 602–607). Abu Dhabi.

Richert, A., Plumanns, L., Groß, K., Schuster, K., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Learning 4.0: Virtual immersive Engineering Education, in Digital Universities: International Best Practices and Applications, vol. 11, no. 2015/2-3, S. 51-66.

Richert, A., Shehadeh, M., Plumanns, L., Groß, Kerstin, Schuster, K., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Educating engineers for industry 4.0: Virtual worlds and human-robot-teams: Empirical studies towards a new educational age, in 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON): IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4673-8633-3. doi:10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474545, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Richert, A., Shehadeh, M., Willicks, F., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Digital Transformation of Engineering Education - Empirical Insights from Virtual Worlds and Human-Robot-Collaboration, International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, Vol. 6, No. 4.

Schiffeler, N., Khan, H., Tummel, C., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Studierendenperspektive auf Erwartungen in der Hochschullehre am Beispiel der RWTH Aachen University. Teaching is Touching the Future & ePS 2016, Aachen.

Schiffeler, N., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Going to Germany to Study?! Impediments from the students’ perspective. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Education (ICERI).

Schiffeler, N., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). Going to Germany to Study?! Impediments from the Students’ Perspective. 9th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2016), November 2016, Seville, Spain.

Selvaggio, A., Sadiki, A., Ortelt, T. R., Meya, R., Becker, C., Chatti, S., & Tekkaya, A. E. (2016). Development of a cupping test in remote laboratories for engineering education. In 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2016); February 24th-26th, 2016 (pp. 122–126). Madrid (Spain): IEEE Conference Publications.

Sommer, T., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). E-Learning Empfehlungssystem als Best Practice-Instrument für Lehrende in den Ingenieurwissenschaften. Teaching is Touching the Future & ePS 2016, Aachen.

Sommer, T., Stehling, V., Richert, A., & Jeschke, S. (2016). The „elearning-finder“: An E-Learning Recommendation System for Engineering Education Teachers. e-Learning Excellence Awards: An Anthology of Case Histories 2016, ISBN 978-1-911218-16-6, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, UK.

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Haertel, T., & Terkowsky, C. (2013b). Kreativität im Ingenieurstudium. In HD MINT. MINTTENDRIN Lehre erleben. Tagungsband zum 1. HDMINT Symposium 2013, 7./8. November (pp. 151–157). Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm.

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